Raku is a traditional Japanese pottery technique that dates back to the 16th century. It's a fascinating and complex process that results in unique, one-of-a-kind pieces of art. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the history of Raku, the steps involved in the Raku process, and why it's such a popular and beloved form of pottery.
#1. The History of Raku Pottery
Raku pottery originated in Japan during the Momoyama period (1573-1603). It was first developed by a potter named Chohjirō and was used to create tea bowls for the Japanese tea ceremony. The technique quickly became popular among Japanese potters, and today, Raku is one of the most famous and recognizable forms of Japanese pottery.

#2. The Raku Process
The Raku process is a complex and unique method that involves a number of steps. The first step is to create the clay piece. The potter will form the clay into the desired shape, using hand-building techniques or a pottery wheel. The clay piece is then left to dry completely.
#3. Glazing the Clay Piece
Once the clay piece is dry, the potter will apply a glaze to the surface. This glaze can be any color, and the choice of glaze can greatly affect the final look of the piece. After the glaze has been applied, the clay piece is placed into a kiln and fired to a high temperature.
#4. Removing the Piece from the Kiln
After the clay piece has been fired, it's removed from the kiln while it's still extremely hot. This is a critical step in the Raku process, as the piece must be removed from the kiln before it cools down. If the piece cools down too quickly, the glaze can crack and the piece may not look as desired.
#5. Cooling the Piece
Once the piece has been removed from the kiln, it's placed into a container filled with combustible materials, such as sawdust or paper. The container is then covered, and the combustible materials are set on fire. The fire causes the glaze to crack, creating a unique and interesting pattern on the surface of the piece.
#6. Cleaning the Piece
Once the fire has burned out, the potter will remove the piece from the container and clean off any soot or ash that may have accumulated during the firing process. This step is important, as it helps to highlight the crackled pattern on the surface of the piece.
#7. Re-firing the Piece
After the piece has been cleaned, it's placed back into the kiln and fired once again. This step helps to set the glaze and give the piece a glossy, finished appearance.
#8. The Benefits of Raku Pottery
There are many benefits to creating Raku pottery. One of the biggest benefits is that each piece is unique. No two pieces will ever look exactly alike, making Raku a great option for those looking for a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Additionally, Raku pottery is known for its strength and durability, making it a great option for functional pieces, such as mugs or bowls.
#9. The Popularity of Raku Pottery
Raku pottery has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's easy to see why. The unique and beautiful appearance of Raku pieces, combined with the strength and durability of the material, make it a great choice for both decorative and functional pieces.
#10. Raku Pottery Works
Raku pottery is a form of art that can be enjoyed by everyone. Whether you're an experienced potter or just starting out, there are many opportunities to get involved in the Raku process and create your own unique pieces. There are Raku workshops and classes available for those who want to learn more, and there are also many resources available online for those who want to learn on their own.
#11. Tips for Successful Raku Pottery
If you're just starting out with Raku pottery, there are a few tips that can help you achieve success. First, it's important to work with high-quality clay that has been properly prepared. Additionally, be sure to follow the Raku process carefully, taking care to remove the piece from the kiln while it's still hot and cleaning it thoroughly after the firing process. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Raku pottery is all about creativity and expression, so have fun and let your imagination guide you.
Raku pottery is a fascinating and beautiful form of art that has been enjoyed for centuries. Whether you're a seasoned potter or just starting out, there are many opportunities to get involved in the Raku process and create your own unique pieces. With its unique appearance and strength, Raku pottery is a great choice for both decorative and functional pieces, and it's sure to be enjoyed for many generations to come. If you want to find out more about Pottery https://www.sifouniospottery.com/
I have a raku piece bought in a second hand shop and cannot find out anything about it. It is signed on the bottom into the clay with what looks like an H with maybe a 7 down through the H Crossbar. Would love to know something about it.